
Sunday, August 09, 2009

Publisher's Pitfalls, Part 2

As alluded to in the 26 July 2009 posting, my personal access to the publication Yated Ne'eman is not firsthand, and, because the publication does not have a website as such, there is almost always a time delay between the time the paper hits the streets and the time I get to read it. I now have the 31 July 2009 edition physically in my hand.

The aforementioned 26 July posting speculated as to how Yated Ne'eman would handle the story of the big bust in New Jersey, which stung certain rabbis, and expressed a confidence that Yated would handle the story quite well in light of the various attending issues, probable repercussions, and operative dynamics.

How did Yated Ne'eman handle the story in the 31 July edition? With pieces that essentially said that not enough information is known, and therefore, we should not jump to conclusions. This might seem, at first blush, to be a cop-out, but one of the articles details some recent events, including but not limited to President Barack Hussein Obama's recent loose cannon uninformed comments regarding a certain arrest in Massachusetts, events where people jumped to conclusions without having sufficient information.

All in all, I would say that my confidence in Yated Ne'eman's handling of the Big Newark Bust story was not misplaced.

But, out on the other Coast in Los Angeles, there was an actual guilty plea by the Spinka Rebbe in another tax evasion and money laundering scandal. The "other side of the story" is no longer missing to any significant extent. What is Yated Ne'eman's take on that one?

I haven't yet read the 7 August edition of Yated Ne'eman, but they now have their work cut out for them on this matter. And, given Yated's coverage of the Newark case, there is every reason to expect Yated to pull a passing grade on this latest development in the Spinka case.

One thing that works in Yated's favor is that Rabbi Weisz, the Spinka Rebbe, has already made public acknowledgment that he has erred, and seems to be accepting responsibility for his wrongdoing. In addition to making the story easier to report, this also makes it easier for the Judge to accord the Rebbe a modicum of mercy in the sentence, which is to be imposed this coming November.

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