
Thursday, January 12, 2017

Here and There

Business has taken me Here and There since last posting.  "Here" refers to places inside the Land of Israel (i.e., Tel Aviv and a few day trips to the Holy City of Jerusalem).  "There" refers to outside the Land of Israel, specifically, an overnight in Zürich, where I had a meeting.  Good thing I didn't jettison my winter coat when I came to Israel, because the temperatures in Zürich hovered around the freezing point.


The trip to Switzerland was all paid for by my current employer, the Israeli affiliate of a British concern, with whom I am engaged as a consultant on an independent contractor basis.  The gig runs at least until the end of January, and possibly longer.


Everyone is reading about all of the strife occurring in Israel, and about how Obama is taking pains to inflict pains upon Israel, and how the French people are doing likewise in Paris.  Be assured, however, that the Israeli high-tech business is moving forward like never before.  All of those boycotts have failed.  Too many people in too many countries are too dependent upon Israeli products, technology, and know-how, and have been cultivating commercial and technological relations with us (including countries which, 40 years ago, would have had nothing to do with Israel).


Perhaps there will be another trip to somewhere "There" in the future, either with my current gig or a future one.  Perhaps it will be to the USA, or elsewhere "There."  But one thing is certain:  It sure feels good when the plane lands again on Israeli soil.

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