Expatriate Owl

A politically-incorrect perspective that does not necessarily tow the party line, on various matters including but not limited to taxation, academia, government and religion.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Season of Freedom

Just came off of two days of Passover, followed by my usual Sabbath observance, which equals three days of being incommunicado from the world beyond my own little community. We did have good time, but there were no guests this year for various reasons (which was just as well, because my wife got hit by some virus and was largely out of commission after the first Seder).

My wife's moonbat Cousin Shira, mentioned briefly in last year's post, is in no financial condition to do out-of-town traveling, and so, she wasn't with us this year either. I'm somewhat disappointed. For one thing, I miss the interesting politically-charged conversations we get into. Our son was with us this year, and, having spent the prior year in Israel and witnessed a few incidents firsthand, he has come back with some rather staunch political views regarding what must be done to ensure the security of Jews in the Holy City of Jerusalem. He would have made some interesting addititions to the conversation. Moreover, I would rather that Cousin Shira spend the Seder with us than with the leftward-leaning crowd in her hometown. But I digress.

Much has been written regarding the "Passover Seder" hosted by Barack Hussein Obama, including the disgusting sugary praise from the various ecumaniacs and leftist-leaning self-appointed Jewish spokespeople. My own sentiments of the are largely compatible with those expressed by Debbie Schlussel (though Debbie is a bit too conciliatory for my tastes towards Obama's nominally Jewish sycophants).

One issue not mentioned in Debbie Schlussel's posting (and certainly taboo among the politically correct crowd) is the comparison between the way we the Jewish people deal with our own past enslavement on one hand, and the way the b-l-a-c-k people deal with theirs.

G-d heard our cries, and liberated us from Pharoah's bondage. That meant that we had to take on the responsibilities of a free people. Because so many of us had been conditioned from birth into the slavery mentality, a new generation had to be raised with a mentality of responsibility. And so, we wandered in the desert for 40 years. After those 40 years, we were ready to assume the responsibilities of a free people. We acknowledge our past enslavement and indeed, tell our children about it. We do not whine about how the Egyptians enslaved us, and we do not use it as an excuse for personal or national failure!
In short, we have dealt with our prior condition of servitude, and have gotten ourselves beyond it!

Compare and contrast that with the b-l-a-c-k community in America, who, after more than One Hundred and Forty years, in many cases still whine about enslavement (never mind that some of the slaveholders were also b-l-a-c-k), still cite their previous condition of servitude as an excuse for personal and group underachievement and failure, and still have not taught responsibility to the next generation.

I wish all who would take up the burdens of freedom a Happy Passover (and, to my friends who celebrate Easter, "A te, la Buona Pasqua.").

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